Saturday, June 28, 2014

Weekend Getaway

Our bestest friends in the whole wide world are visiting the US after living in Singapore for a year!!  We are so lucky they flew to Salt Lake so we could come and visit them.  They are old friends from college, pre-kid friends that we LOVE!!  It was so good to see them and it was like we never left good ol' Cheney!!  We had fun seeing temple square, shopping, bowling, and eating out.  Basically, every destination we chose was planned around where we were going to go eat!!  This is how I know that we are meant to be friends... Ok so it's Friday night.  What should we do in the big city???  Well me and Nelsa truly are inspired because we opted to put on PJ's, order pizza in the hotel, buy a crapload of snacks from Wal-mart, and play games.  Seriously, the good ol' days.  They truly are the greatest friends and we are so lucky to have them in our lives.

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