Monday, September 2, 2013

3 Never Looked so GOOD

 This guy is finally 3!!!!  Yeah!!! Wyatt was so excited for his special day!  We celebrated with our little family on his birthday and then with the whole mass of family last night.  He was spoiled with Ninja Turtles, superheroes, and legos.  Seriously, Wyatt brings our family so much joy!  Whether he is doing the slumpty when he doesn't get his way, or whether he is showing off his chub-chubs, he is always making us laugh.  Wyatt loves trucks, ninja turtles, swimming and food.  He can out-eat any grown man (serious!)  He is so sweet and loving, gets shy with those he doesn't know, and is our rough and tumble boy.  In fact, just the other day, a little girl ran into him and went flying backwards, and then Wyatt started crying because he was embarrassed.  He is a great sleeper, loves his siblings, and tells me every day that I am the best.  My heart is 2 sizes bigger because of this guy.  Happy birthday Wyatt.  Love you buddy.

Photo Booth

What is the stool leaning on a truck you may ask???  It's a photo booth!!! Duh!  Paige set up this little masterpiece for us a few nights ago.  We sat and looked at the camera (aka stool) while she scrambled behind us drawing our photos.  Pretty cute if you ask me.  Then of course, ice-cream followed.  I'm sure you can tell by Wyatt's giant thumb-up that he approves (he has the belly to prove it!)  I love the ice-cream on his forehead where he has put the bowl up to his face and tried to lick the bottom of his bowl.  Keepin' it classy baby.

My baby is not a baby

So my baby is not a baby anymore.  This big man headed to his first day of pre-school last week.  He was so excited that he got to be big just like Brock and Paige.  Of course, upon arrival, he was super-shy and would not look at Mrs. Julie or Grandma Smith at all.  Once he saw the trucks though, he was good to go!!!  We love you Wy-guy!  You are so big-- we love you.