Friday, December 21, 2012


This is my 2 year old that I am trying to potty train.  Trying.  Every time he sits on the potty and I come in, this is what he does.  He's embarrassed.  It's sooooo funny.  He won't even look at me.  Don't be jealous of the batman socks either.  Keepin' in classy baby.

Dedication to the sport

Cold temperatures+basketball= Green snow gloves.  Duh!!  Shooting hoops in green mittens?  Now that is dedication to the sport my friend.  Gotta love it.  I love how his fingers are not even in the holes.  Hilarious.  I had to secretly take these pictures or I knew he would get embarrassed and take off the sweet green gloves.  Super spy mom... check.  I really was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants.

What could be better???

What could be better than being pulled around the wood floors of your house in a homemade bed with a princess chair on top and a stuffed moose in it?  It just doesn't get any better!!  Look at those smiles!!  And that was only round 1.  Round 2 involved this same homemade bed going down 2 flights of stairs. Hilarious and so very creative.  Love those kids.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dancing Divas

Seriously.  They are cute.  They are all girl.  They love make-up, dancing, frilly dresses, and being sassy.  They are the cutest friends.  We are so glad Grace is in our lives.  She makes dress-ups and barbies so much more fun!

Football Family

This is what we have been doing during our fall nights.  What better way to spend our weeknights than watching little boys play football.  Brock's team was awesome this year!!  We made it all the way to the championship and lost in the finals.  Dang it!!
Brock LOVES football and Brock LOVES Huddy.  
It was the perfect combination for fun.  Can't wait to watch this kid as he gets older-- he is a lean, mean, football machine!!

Turning 8

Seriously?  I have an 8 year old?  Look at this guy!  He is one hot dude.  
What a cutie-- toothless and all.

Family Pics

Love my fam and love these pics!!

Christmas Tree Time

 What a lovely tree you say??  Why yes, we went trudging through the snow with no snow clothes on, and yes, we picked the closest tree that wasn't crooked or bare!!  We froze our toesies off in Cedar getting this lovely tree and we had a blast!!  We totally packed it on top of our van and down the mountain we came, Griswald style!!  Then we decorated it with all our kid's ornaments!  It was quite a beautiful site!!  And in true Felder style, Wyatt pushed the tree over the next day, and so now the lights are sagging and the ornaments are a little crooked!  We are so proud-- gotta love it!!

Baptism Boy!!

What a special day for our family.  Brock turned 8 in November and chose to be baptized.  His father baptized him and confirmed him a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It was the most beautiful thing to see my big, strong husband baptize my little boy (who's not little anymore).  He gave him a "super dunk" and made sure all body parts were submerged!! There were lots of friends and family to celebrate and we couldn't be prouder.  Way to go Bub.