Saturday, June 28, 2014

Our first stitches

Considering my children are insanely bold, brave, and a little careless, we have been EXTREMELY LUCKY in the injuries department... until a few weeks ago.  Bub was showering up in my shower and slipped and fell.  OUCH!  Paige came running down and I went running up to find a very sad and bloody little boy.  Insta-care here we come.  15 stitches later Brock was good to go.  A very deep cut if I do say so myself!!  No water for 5 days meant a week off of swim team for Brock, so he couldn't have been more delighted!!  Grandma Linda removed the stitches while Chris and I were out of town and Wala!!!  Good as new.  And besides, Uncle Bobby had Bubba convinced that "chicks dig scars!"   We are so blessed to have healthy and strong kids.  Let's hope this was our one and only set of stitches!

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