Saturday, June 28, 2014

More Family Time

Mom got everyone together at the cemetery to wish Gramps a Happy Birthday and send a shout out of love.  The kids all yelled "We love you Gramps!" as they sent a balloon up in the air.  Wyatt's was just the cutest... as he let his balloon go, he shouted "Happy Birthday Daddy!!"   Then Grandma took the girls to do an Iphone Scavenger Hunt at the mall.  The girls had a blast running around and taking pictures of various items... a refrigerator, a bra, a Pooh bear book etc.  And for me, the best part was hiking the Dixie Rock.  The girls all made it up Chris's crack, except for Madi, who got a little stuck! After that slight disaster,  we roamed around the red rocks for a while, and took this amazing picture of all of us.  It was so fun and such a great memory.

Cousin Time

Aunt Kristin was in town!! Hooray!!  I love looking at these pictures.  I had ZERO cousins or family growing up, so I consider my kids to be very lucky to have so many cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents so close.  The kids had a blast all week swimming in our pool, going to the hydrotube, sliding down the giant slip and slide, and of course, sleepovers.  I adore Kristin and her girls, so it was so fun to cruise around with them or just sit and talk and laugh.  Love my fam.

Weekend Getaway

Our bestest friends in the whole wide world are visiting the US after living in Singapore for a year!!  We are so lucky they flew to Salt Lake so we could come and visit them.  They are old friends from college, pre-kid friends that we LOVE!!  It was so good to see them and it was like we never left good ol' Cheney!!  We had fun seeing temple square, shopping, bowling, and eating out.  Basically, every destination we chose was planned around where we were going to go eat!!  This is how I know that we are meant to be friends... Ok so it's Friday night.  What should we do in the big city???  Well me and Nelsa truly are inspired because we opted to put on PJ's, order pizza in the hotel, buy a crapload of snacks from Wal-mart, and play games.  Seriously, the good ol' days.  They truly are the greatest friends and we are so lucky to have them in our lives.

Our first stitches

Considering my children are insanely bold, brave, and a little careless, we have been EXTREMELY LUCKY in the injuries department... until a few weeks ago.  Bub was showering up in my shower and slipped and fell.  OUCH!  Paige came running down and I went running up to find a very sad and bloody little boy.  Insta-care here we come.  15 stitches later Brock was good to go.  A very deep cut if I do say so myself!!  No water for 5 days meant a week off of swim team for Brock, so he couldn't have been more delighted!!  Grandma Linda removed the stitches while Chris and I were out of town and Wala!!!  Good as new.  And besides, Uncle Bobby had Bubba convinced that "chicks dig scars!"   We are so blessed to have healthy and strong kids.  Let's hope this was our one and only set of stitches!

Paige's First Swim Meet

Now Brock may have this swim team thing mastered, but Paigey had her first meet a few weeks ago and did great!!!  Considering she pretty much knew how to doggy paddle at the beginning of the summer, my girl Paigey swims the IM!  (Butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, free-style)  She did so Awesome!!!  Besides a minor bee sting right before her race, it was smooth sailing for Paigey Poo!
Way to go Mama!! We are so proud!!

Serious R&R

We headed up to Yankee Meadow for some serious R&R.  It was absolutely amazing.  I am the happiest when I am with my family camping in the woods.  It was such a great time... Grandma Linda and Shawn came up, as well as Grandma Gigi and Papa (and Huddy!).   We hiked to the streams, we ate dutch oven potatoes, we gazed at the stars... seriously it was heaven.  We even rode our bikes down the entire mountain (with no helmets... dumb mom decision #9,859)  Luckily, we survived and have the memories to share!!  Grandma Linda even pulled out her pocket knives and let the boys carve walking sticks while Wyatt and Paige put on a mini-play.  Little boys with knives think they are awesome... Mom's think it is scary!  It was an amazing trip.  I can't wait to go back.