Sunday, August 18, 2013

No "BUTTS" about it

Ok, here is the story of the year.  So, we get back from camping and the boys hit the bath.  I come in to find the water a bit on the pinkish/redish side.  So I ask Brock why?  He says that Wyatt has a cut on his bum.  I turn Wyatt around and his butt is seriously bleeding.  I am dumbfounded???  What did he sit on that cut him???  Then Brock gets out and his butt looks the same.  What the?????? 

So then I gently ask Brock what happened.  Well, apparently, I left my razor in the bathtub, and the boys thought it would be a good idea to SHAVE EACH OTHER'S BUTTS.  I am laughing just writing this.  Apparently, they didn't know that razor's are super sharp and CUT YOU.  Needless to say, add this story to the rest of the Felder's memory book.  No hairy butts around here!!!!

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