Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hello Heaven

So what does a family do on the last weekend before fall two-adays and crazy madness????  WE RAN AWAY!!  We headed to a new location, Yankee Meadow.  By the way, it is our new FAVORITE location.  It was gorgeous in every way!  Tucked away high in the mountain top and REAL fires just made it the best!!  And the best part, NO SERVICE!! No calls period!!!

We got there, set up, and headed down the mountain to eat at the Daily Freeze.  After fries and milkshakes, back up the mountain for a REAL fire!!!  And SWEATSHIRTS!!  We were in heaven enjoying the scenery and the kids had a blast building forts and making "tools".  Wyatt chose to make it his personal "porta-potty" but oh well, gotta be at one with nature.

Grandma and Papa came up for some fishing and dutch oven dinners and we so enjoyed sitting around the campsite visiting with them.  It was the best preparation for a busy volleyball season ahead!!  

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