Friday, March 17, 2017

School Stuff

Paige made her debut as a lunch worker scooping peaches.  We aren't sure if we should be happy or sad about this!!  The opted for the visor vs. the hair net so that is definitely a good choice there.  So dang cute.

Then onto Literacy Night with a Star Wars theme.  Paige is a lighthouse leader so she had to come to this and show people around.  Had a lot of fun and even got a picture with a wookie! Score!

Brock made his choir singing debut at his first choir concert ever.  Look out Josh Groban!  I can't be certain but I do believe WORDS actually came out of Brock's mouth so that was a huge victory!  This is way out of Brock's comfort zone so we were super proud.

And the Valentine Box... Paige has quite a sense of humor.  I love it. 

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